test blog 2

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fake Lexus RX300

Dear² I’m gonna pre-empt u.. hee :p

Yesterday was passing by Carlton hotel when we saw this Lexus RX300 parked in front of the lobby.. Jason has this habit of guessing if it was really a Lexus or a Harrier pretending to be one.

Ok, basically, Toyota Harrier (a parallel import car) is the exact same car as Lexus RX300, only difference is the emblem, rims, some other tiny details and of course the price tag.. But for a sum of 2k, u can get the mechanic to change the emblem and the rims of the Harrier to make it look exactly like the Lexus. Only thing that most people dun change is the Toyota emblem on the steering wheel, coz it involves changing whole steering wheel (dun ask me why they cant jus remove the emblem and stick the Lexus one on) which would cost quite abit.

So we were thinking, since it's parked in the hotel lobby, and it has quite a nice license number, which was retained from his previous car (it E-something 8-something-something), must be the real thing.. But curiosity drove us to its window and surprise surprise, it's FAKE!!!

It's a $122,988 Harrier.. ..
pretendin to be a $148,888 RX300!!

(they do look the same dun they.. it's all part of Toyota's marketing scheme to come up with 2 different model names for the exact same car)

In order to explain why it was a fake, I came up with this theory.. This owner used to be rich, drive nice big sedan (like Mercedes S class) and bid for golden license plate numbers.. Then his business failed and he needs to sell his car.

But in order to save face, he got himself a Harrier, paid an extra 2k, and made it look like a Lexus whilst saving a total of almost14k. So he could go tell his business partners that he sold his sedan coz he wanted a SUV, and still could show off saying it's an expensive SUV.

haha.. very boliao rite?

So this led me to think about fake stuff.. I personally know people who are like the owner of the fake Lexus, they wan the whole world to think that they are rich when they are actually not. Not to say that they are poor, jus not filthy rich as they make themselves out to be..

Actually I may seem like such a person, tryin to act rich when I’m actually broke. But it's not true.. I dun act rich, I jus like to spend money and I like expensive stuff. I dun go for branded goods and stuff, but I go for gadgets, branded surf merchandise and good food.

To me, fine dining is the way to go. That is a habit cultivated from young where my family would go out for Tim sum lunch in town and seafood dinner at various restaurants along east coast every Sunday; my elder sis would treat us to great Japanese food every Saturday; me and yixuan would go and have something nice every now and then after school..

I'm a semi-gourmet, I can rattle off a list of good Japanese restaurants (but sadly alot of them close them already, it's so hard to find good Japanese restaurants these days), good seafood restaurants, good Thai restaurant, good steak places and etc. then i could give u a review of the restaurant, from settings to food to service. I love to eat.

Gadgets, I love mobile phones.. Jus love love love them, I can hardly go thru a day without my beloved mobile.. Changed from Startec to Nokia 3210 to Nokia 8250 to Nokia 6510 to Nokia 6100 to SE Z600 to SE S700i to current V802SE.

For every phone I get, I’ll try to keep it in tiptop condition, get all the accessories and personalize it as much as possible with the latest mp3s, wallpapers, themes and etc..

So people think I’m rich coz I like to go good restaurants and keep changing phones.. But that is not true.. I jus enjoy going to such places and I’m willing to spend my money. At many times, I do a holiday job jus to get a new phone; I’ll throw in more than half a month's salary into the phone. That is how willing I am to spend my money.

Ok, I digress too much, why am I talking about myself so much?? I think I’m narcissistic also :Þ

Back to the fake Lexus, why do people want to get something fake and pretend that it's something that it is not? What I really cant stand are all the Malay teenage boys carrying LV sling bags.. At least if it's an executive carrying a one, i might think that it's the real thing, but a malay teenage boy.. Oh the answer is so OBVIOUS! *FAKE ALERT* plus that fake Gucci Cap.. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Fake goods feeds egos..

Normal folks trying to jump the gap to be rich..

Fake will always be Fake..


That I have tons of work to do yet can stone out in front of the comp for most of the day..

It's so long since I've blogged.. Not that I don't want to, just too busy. The previous week was nasty, I have meetings everyday dragging on to way past 7pm.. Was so so so worn out everyday.. Wanted to rest during the weekend but god does not like me.. I actually kanna food poisoning..

It was not only bad.. it was hell.. My stomach was cramping like nobody's business and I was in so much pain that I started to hallucinate. I started to see things that weren't there and I have absolutely no idea how much time had went by..

Jason's mum must think that I'm a very sick girl.. I'm always not feeling well when I stay over at his place.. Talk about great timing.

This week had been a busy one too.. And one of my dear colleague had just left :( things are just so different without her around.. It's the first day she's not around and I miss her already!!

And with her departure, I'm one of the two left in the department that's a non-believer.. My MA is leaving at the end of the month.. so I will be the only one left.. the only one standing against the Christians and Catholics..

Nah.. not worried :p coz my colleagues are not like those super duper enthu Christians I've met back in sec school.. Remember all the ambush outside the school gates, the pretense of doing survey. And I can never forget the girl that wasted an hour of my time, while I was happily enjoying my mac!

I believe in a superior being, but I do not think that's necessarily God in the Christian sense. I do not believe for a moment that an omnipotent being will take interest in us mere mortals. I do not believe in asking for forgiveness and having my sins taken away. I do not believe that if I'm not a Christian, I am condemned to hell. I do not believe that taoist deities are all incarnations of the devil. I do not believe that food offered to taoist deities is any different from food that is not offered.

All the above are what those enthu Christians told me. I know not every Christian is like so, but I'm already scarred for life. If I don't like something, don't force me to like it.

I like Christianity, I enjoy the bible stories alot. I believe that all religions are good, all believes in the goodness of man and teaches us how to live to be good people. It's some people that's practicing the teachings the wrong way that's turning me off..

What is it about speaking in tongue?? It's freaking scary can? If even you yourself do not know what you are saying, how do you know if you are talking to God or the Devil?

The other day I was at Borders and flipping a book on Tantra.. No.. it's not about tantric sex :p (I blame it on Sex and the City) it's the philosophy.. It's really interesting.

The devil is actually god, look deeper inside the devil and you can find god. It's like a seed, the seed is not the tree but it will eventually become the tree..

Ok, I'm bad at remembering things and it sounds weird.. but.. shall google for the actual quote next time round.

For me, I believe in duality of things, if there is no evil, there can be no good. I believe that things always comes in two, the favorable side and the unfavorable side. It's cause and effect. For everything you do, there will be an effect on something else, we may not see the connection, but it's always there.

At the end of the day, I do not believe we are alone, I do not believe that there is God. I believe there's many wonderful and interesting entities out there, entities that are so different from us that even if they are right in front of us, we will not be able to recognize them.

I always believe in one thing. I believe that sleep is the most important thing that a person needs.. and I'm lacking enough of it..